The Vast Midwest

Sometimes I take for granted the area that I live in; I just assume that everybody understands where I come from because it is everything that I know. However, if I just take a step back and really think about it, there is SO much that I myself do not actually quite understand about this giant region I call home! From the vast plains of the Dakota’s, to the beautiful shores of Lake Erie, the Midwest is a very immense and daunting area of land to comprehend. So, with all of that said, let’s talk about what the Midwest actually is.

The Unites States of America is massive, like really REALLY big! It is comprised of 50 states that make it the 4th largest country in the world by size, just slightly behind China/Canada and about half the size of Russia. Those 50 states are further divided into 4 different census regions: the West, South, Northeast and Midwest.  I like to think of the Midwest as northcentral America for visual reference and if you really want to get technical, the Mississippi River officially divides the Midwest into two further regions: West North Central and East North Central. There are 12 unique states that define the Midwest: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Half of those states share 4 of the 5 Great Lakes with Canada with Lake Ontario just out of reach of Ohio.

Now that we have had our geography lesson of the Midwest, we probably should at least mention a brief history. Long before Christopher Columbus NEVER discovered America, two distinct groups of Indian tribes inhabited the Midwest region: The Great Lakes Native Americans and the Great Plains Indians. By the 16th century, we start to see the exploration of the Midwest by Europeans and the first settlers began to arrive in the 17th century, establishing relationships and trading posts with the indigenous tribes. Such notable events include the Lewis and Clark expedition of the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812. The term Midwest didn’t actually start becoming a term until the late 19th century and was officially recognized by the Census Bureau as the “North Central Region” as late as 1984. 

By this point, we have a better understanding of where the Midwest is located and some of its history. My entire goal with this blog is to write about all things related to paddle boarding, and more specifically related to the Midwest region. There is so much opportunity right outside my doorstep that I just can not wait to share with all of you! No matter where I am living in the world, I personally call Minnesota home. It is where I was born and resided for most of my life; I bring firsthand knowledge of some of the premier lakes the state offers to paddle on. I’m also head over heels for the Great Lakes and I frequent Lake Superior quite often, so stay tuned for posts of some of the bests spots to explore!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post! I hope you follow along as I offer advice and share my experiences with you. Not to sound too cheesy or anything, but I find great reward in giving back. There’s no better feeling than to be able to help or inspire someone who shares the same interest or passion, so if I’m able to do that with just one person I will consider this an accomplishment! Paddle on my friends!!!